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Course evaluation
Please note items in bold must be filled out
Having completed your course you now have the opportunity to pass on your impressions and views of both the programme and its delivery. I am very mindful that you, the client is the best placed person to give an overview of each and every course delivered. I review course syllabus on a regular basis and consider all of them open to development. Your time spent giving feedback is very much appreciated.
Client Name:
Course name:
Date from:
Date to:

Please indicate the most appropriate response(s) for each section
How did you locate the information for your course?
  word of mouth
previous course
wall or shop staff
Did your course programme meet your expectations?
  less than expected
as expected
more than expected
Was your course challenging?
  not challenging enough
just right
too challenging
How much did you learn on your course?
  very little
some useful information
lots of new information
Did the teaching style enable you to understand the course content?
with some difficulty
could not comprehend
Which of the following statement(s) best describes your feelings at the end of the course?
I have learnt new skills to take me forward
I feel more confident
I had fun
My climbing has improved
I am enthused to do more
I want to climb outside
Please highlight any courses or instruction that you would like to know more about.
Personal tuition
Learn to lead indoors
Improvised rescue indoors
Mountain navigation
Learn to lead outdoors
Intro to sea cliffs
Improvised rescue outdoors
Ice climbing
Alpine intro
Your choices above gives me a good idea regarding how you feel about your course. A sentence or two, in your own words, helps even more. Do feel free to fill a line or two with your thoughts.