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Mountain navigation
The mountain navigation course delivers the essential skills required to navigate in the mountains whether in good conditions or poor visibility. If you want to feel confident on the fells and mountains when the weather turns nasty and the cloud sets in come and learn the skills to get you off the hills safely. 

This, two-day course, is delivered in North Wales over mountain terrain and away from path systems. Skills covered include: map interpretation and symbols, pacing, timing, taking and walking on compass bearings, contouring, aiming off, hand-railing, catching features etc.

Rob is a very experienced navigator both in the UK mountains and the Alps. He has been a regular competitor at orienteering events for over 25 years and has successfully completed a number of mountain marathons in the UK requiring high navigation skills. Besides holding the Mountian Leader (summer) and Mountaineering Instructor Award, he is also a Tutor for the National Navigation Award Scheme (NNAS).


For more information mail: TouchtheRock@outlook.com

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