Many climbers aspire to climb ‘better’ though they perhaps have different views on what ‘better’ means. For some it’s getting to the top of that tough route at their local wall or breaking into the next grade at the crag. Maybe it’s just a desire to look and feel in control.
With the right coaching the ability to climb with balance and grace can be achieved, and with it higher performance!
There are other bonuses too… Being in balance means more economic climbing, so you save your energies for the crux move, perhaps at the end of the route or, at the end of a long day!
No more barn dooring, no more slapping for holds in desperation.
It’s in your hands…………and feet…………and body position and…………………….
If it looks good it probably feels right, and visa versa!
For more information on personalised coaching in Sussex email
TouchtheRock@outlook.com1:1, 1:2 or 1:3 ratios.